About Tariehk Geter

Welcome! I'm excited to share my journey with you and the passion that drives my work.

A Multifaceted Leader

My name is Tariehk Geter. I'm a husband, father, successful entrepreneur, musician, public speaker, and philanthropist. My life's mission is to innovate and help others succeed, drawing from my diverse experiences and deep commitment to personal and professional growth.

Co-founder of Omnistar Interactive

In 2000, I co-founded Omnistar Interactive with my best friend and business partner, Arlen Robinson. What started as a web design firm has grown into a technology powerhouse. Today, Omnistar Interactive provides cutting-edge software solutions designed to help businesses thrive.

Our Flagship Products

OSI Affiliate Software: This referral marketing software is a game-changer for businesses aiming to expand their reach. Featured in the Shopify App Store, Ecwid App Store, BigCommerce App Store, and Wix App Store, OSI Affiliate Software empowers companies to leverage word-of-mouth marketing.

OSI Reviews: Another innovative product from Omnistar Interactive, OSI Reviews is featured in both the Wix and Shopify App Stores. It enables businesses to effortlessly collect product reviews and transform those reviews into referral users, setting it apart from other review software.

Public Speaking and Podcasting

I am a sought-after public speaker and a long-time member of the Toastmasters organization, where I have earned my Competent Communicator award. I co-host the Ecommerce Marketing Podcast with Arlen, a platform where we discuss strategies with marketing experts to help online store owners thrive. With over 300 guest interviews, our podcast is a treasure trove of insights and advice.

Speak To Empower

Co-founding Speak To Empower, I help individuals and companies find their voice and speak with confidence. As a communication coach and managing director, I am dedicated to empowering others through effective communication.

Geeks Love Coding

Together with Arlen, I launched Geeks Love Coding. Our mission is to teach coding enthusiasts the ins and outs of Python. Our flagship course in Python Data Science equips learners with the skills they need to excel in the tech industry.

Tech Diversity Project

In 2023, driven by a desire to give back to the tech community, Arlen and I started the Tech Diversity Project. This nonprofit organization is dedicated to increasing diversity in the tech industry. The Tech Diversity Project offers scholarships to high school seniors, maintains a directory of tech companies owned by underrepresented groups, and provides free coding courses and other valuable resources.

Join Me

At the heart of everything I do is a passion for innovation, education, and community. Whether you're here to learn more about my products, seek inspiration from my podcast, or explore the resources of the Tech Diversity Project, I welcome you to join me on this exciting journey. Together, we can achieve great things!